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The terms and conditions of this patient contract apply to the supply of services by Dr Horn.
These terms and conditions prevail over the contents of any other documents provided by Dr Horn where a conflict in the content takes place.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of this patient contract apply to the supply of services by MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd  to the patient signing to this agreement.

The patient signs the agreement knowing that they are 18 years of age or over and that for the avoidance of doubt MD Plastic and reconstructive Surgery Ltd  do not offer cosmetic or reconstructive surgery services to patients under the age of 18 years of age, hereinafter referred in this agreement as “MDPRS”

These terms and conditions prevail over the contents of any other documents provided by MD plastic and reconstructive surgery Ltd where a conflict in the content takes place.


1 Definitions:


These Terms and Conditions use the following meanings within it: 

  1. Anesthetist means a medical practitioner trained in the practice of anesthesia registered with the General Medical Council and has admitting privileges to the hospital where your procedure will be undertaken where an anesthetic is required by an Anesthetist
  2. Consent Form is the form patient signs to consent to the agreed treatment.
  3. Cooling off period is a period of 14 days or more from the date of the final consultation with the Doctor to the date of the surgery. This is to allow you to reflect on treatment proposed. This accords with the guidance of the General medical Council, Royal College of Surgeons and Independent Health Association. Only in exceptional circumstances based on clinical need will the 14 day period be transgressed
  4. Days- Unless specified otherwise means calendar days.
  5. Force majeure Due to unforeseen circumstances outside of MD Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Ltd’s control we may not be able to progress your consultation, treatment or surgery. Such examples are closure due to pandemic; utility and building failures or restriction moment due to a local or national event. [1]This is not an exhaustive list.
  6. Intervention or treatment. The two words are used interchangeably and refer to the procedure that has been agreed to be provided to you. This may be surgical or non-surgical.


  1. Medical practitioner-Means a Medical Practitioner registered with the General Medical Council and has admitting privileges to the hospital / treatment centre where the procedure will be undertaken. This agreement may use the word “Doctor” interchangeably with Medical Practitioner.
  2. Patient- Any person who has entered into a contract or attending consultation contemplating surgical procedure or undergoing a non-surgical intervention.
  3. Patient guide-Patient information in any form in accordance with independent health care standards, provided by MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd.
  4. Procedures- Is both surgical and non-surgical intervention performed by a surgeon or Medical Practitioner procured/arranged by MDPRS.
  5. Surgeon-Means a medical practitioner who is registered with the General medical Council and has undertaken his surgical examination/training to hold such title.



  1. Banking days Means the days and hours a bank will be open. For avoidance of doubt this shall be every week day not including Bank Holidays from 9 am to 4 pm.
  2. M) Business days are deemed as Monday to Friday of any given week except for a U.K bank or public holiday between 9pm to 4pm.

2 -Obligations of MD plastic and reconstructive surgery Ltd

 In providing cosmetic and reconstructive services for treatment for a patient, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd shall:

2a Ensure that any treatment deemed a surgical intervention will be undertaken by a surgeon and that surgeon holds professional indemnity Insurance cover at the material time.

2b Ensure that any treatment deemed a non-surgical intervention will be undertaken by a Medical practitioner with relevant experience.

2c Provide suitable facilities for consultation and where the intervention will take place.

2d Provide the patient with suitable information that is necessary for the patient to understand the procedure, the nature of the procedure offered, risks and complications [2]normally associated with the treatment, alternative treatments (including no treatment) along with pre and post operative requirements.

2e Provide the patient with necessary post operative care.

2f Provide the patient with a means by which they may raise their concerns and make complaint.


3-Obligation of the patient

In agreeing to consultation and treatment the patient agrees to:

3a-:  Provide the medical practitioner with a full, honest and accurate account of his/her medical history when prompted and to understand treatment is only offered on full and frank disclosure by the patient. If it becomes evident later on the patient has not done this and certain complications and risks  may have come to pass because of it, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd  reserve the right to charge the patient for any care beyond what would usually be charged including but not limited to post operative care and further interventions.

3b to notify the medical practitioner immediately of any change to his or her medical history between the period of the consultation( s) and the operation date. The medical team reserves the right to delay or cancel the surgery after considering such amendments to the medical history . The patient is responsible for cancellation charges.

3c– confirm and prove that he/she is over 18 years of age (Id required).

3d- You must sign all documents as required by your medical practitioner

By signing such documents, you fully agree to the procedure as outlined and discussed with the medical practitioner. Further by signing such documents you confirm that: you understand the benefits , risks and complications of the procedure undertaken and accept them you understand what to expect from the operation, what this procedure can achieve.

3e- Read completely, carefully and sign medical consent form at the hospital, prior to the commencement of your operation[3].

3f -Fully adhere to all post procedure care, which will include attending aftercare appointments made for you and follow any and all post operative and procedure[4]instructions given to you and to not deviate from them. The patient signs this agreement with full knowledge that failure to adhere to the post operative or procedure plan can compromise the results and the patient will take the risk in failing to adhere to all post operative instructions however given in writing , orally by the medical practitioner or MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery  Ltd or a nurse or other medical practitioner on the treating medical practitioner ‘s instructions.

3g- Remain civil at all times with the staff of MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd , any nurse or medical practitioner they are introduced to.

3h-Complete to the end conclusion the complaints procedure before seeking alternative avenues redress.


You have been informed by your medical practitioner that not having surgery is also an option


4-Fees and payment terms

4a-Fees scope

 4a1-The procedure/intervention fee shall cover the following depending on the type of procedure/intervention:

  • The surgeons surgical fees
  • The hospital fees, treatment and accommodation including catering if the patient is an overnight stay at the hospital
  • Nursing care where appropriate
  • Appropriate drugs and medications relating to the procedure in the hospital
  • Appropriate dressings relating to the procedure where appropriate , implants and other devices
  • Immediate post treatment care and post treatment
  • Anesthetist fees if required to include pre operative visit, the procedure and immediate post operative care


4a2- The procedure fee will not cover the following depending on the type of procedure/intervention 

  • preoperative blood tests of a standard nature which may include full blood count, clotting screen, Mrsa screen
  • Covid 19 test ( swab (Pcr), and antibodies if needed)
  • Compression garment
  • Any additional medical expenses that might be incurred following any surgery or treatment as a result of complications beyond 7 days from the date of the
  • Echocardiogram examinations, x rays, ultrasound scans, mammograms, MRI scans, or any other diagnostic examination or test
  • Any take home drugs following the procedure other than antibiotics as may be prescribed by the surgeon upon discharge from the hospital
  • Any additional cost of further pre operative blood tests of a non standard nature as may be determined necessary by the surgeon
  • Any additional cost of an implant or device where appropriate not in the standard range other than that specifically agreed between you and your surgeon at the outset
  • Additional overnight stay at the hospital not pre arranged.
  • expenses related to travel , accommodation and time off work for original procedure or revision procedure
  • Hospital fees, anesthetist fees, new implants where necessary for revision surgery, unless agreed preoperatively otherwise with the surgeon. This is assessed in a case-by-case basis.
  • Dressing changes other than at the hospital where the surgery took place (free of charge) or by the surgeon ( free of charge).At home nurse visits can be purchased for an additional fee


4b Payment terms

4b1 The patient shall be provided with a quote for the procedure. If the patient wishes to proceed , a deposit will be required to secure a date. The patient will be offered dates available for the procedure to take place via the hospital/medical facility where the procedure will take place. The deposit should secure the surgical slot (date ), the time being [5][6][7][8][9]confirmed a few days before the surgery takes place. If for whatever reason beyond our control the date is no longer available with the hospital/medical facility the patient will be [10]

[11]informed in a timely fashion and unless force majeure event an alternative date will be offered and agreed with the patient.


4b2 The deposit fee of £2000 is payable to secure the procedure date for all treatments.[12]

4b3 The balance of the procedure beyond the £2000 deposit must be paid and cleared 10 banking days before the surgery date.

4b4 In default of the above unless otherwise agreed with the treating surgeon, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd reserves the right to cancel the procedure and charge or retain the cancellation fee as defined in this agreement.

4b5 In the alternative and in exceptional circumstances if a lower agreed deposit or late payment authorization has been agreed  and the patient fails to clear the balance on the formerly agreed date, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd, reserves the right to cancel the procedure and charge or retain the cancellation fee as defined in this agreement and if expenses have been incurred in the form of but not limited to medical devices being ordered ;hospital and anesthetist fees; medication or specialist equipment, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd reserves the right to charge for the same.

4b6 Where the procedure is schedule within 14 days of the consultation, the whole amount will become payable at the time of booking for procedure.


5-Patient rescheduling/cancellation policy

5a Rescheduling

5a1 If a patient books a procedure date and decides to reschedule the procedure date, an additional fee will be payable dependant on how much notice is provided in the following timelines. Further,  if the patient gives notice of rescheduling on a week end or bank holiday then the date from which the timelines below apply will start from the first business day from when the patient first provided received notification of request for rescheduling. Further, if notification is received after office hours deemed 9am to 5 pm, the notification will be deemed to have been received the next business day


++ Rescheduling notification deemed received 2 weeks or more before procedure date: No rescheduling fee

            ++ Rescheduling notification deemed received 7 to 14 days before procedure date:

£100 rescheduling fee

++Rescheduling notification deemed received 6 days or less before procedure date:

£150 rescheduling fee

5a2-The reflection and cooling off period is unaffected by this clause


5b Cancellations

5b1-If a patient books a procedure date and decides to cancel the procedure, they will incur fees on the following basis, unless further stipulated in this agreement. Further if the patient gives notice cancellation on a weekend or Bank holiday then the date from which the timelines below apply will start from the first business day from when the patient first provided received notification of request to cancel. Further, if notification is received after office hours deemed 9am to 5 pm the notification will be deemed to have been received the next business day.

++ Cancellation notification deemed received more than 2 weeks before surgery:

25% of the total paid by  the patient  will be kept

++Cancellation notification deemed received 8 to 13 days before surgery:

50% of the total paid by the patient  will be kept

++Cancellation  notification received 7 days or less prior to surgery:

90% of the total paid by the patient will be kept

++Cancellation notification deemed received 48 hours or less before admission time and including the day of the procedure whether before attending the hospital or whilst at the hospital:

100% of the total paid by the patient will be kept

5b2 Should you fail to attend your surgical procedure date, charges will be levied as 48 hours or less cancellation fee given above

 5b3-It is imperative patient contacts MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd  at the earliest opportunity to cancel their surgical procedure.

5b4-If the cancellation results from a verifiable medical condition restricted to those listed below there will be no cancellation charges.The medical conditions  that will be recognised  are:

     ++Medical conditions noted at the time of consultation or disclosed in writing to the surgeon or MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd

++ a positive test for Covid -19 at the time of undertaking the pre surgery test for the same 5 days before the procedure[13]

5b5- if Cancellation in accordance with 5b4 above, the patient may seek a refund or may reschedule surgery within the next 6 months.Thereafter charges may rise and the patient [14]

will have to pay the difference and their treating surgeon may request a further consultation.[15]

5b6-All medical conditions will only be deemed verified if the test results show a positive covid test as detailed above or the patient s nGP provides a letter to the effect that the patiengt was seen by them and clinical diagnosis by the GP or a hospital verified the condition.


5b7 If cancellation is due to a pre existing medical condition not disclosed to the surgeon during initial consultation or before the surgical date in writing, there will be cancellations fees as set out previously in this document.

5b8-if the treating surgeon is unable to perform the surgery for any reason, the procedure will be rescheduled without further expense to the patient within the next 6 months or if the patient so wishes, the money they have provided at that point will be refunded to them.

5b9-if your surgery is abandoned intra operatively, for any reason, the following fees will be retained:

Surgeons surgical fees, hospital fees, anesthetic fees, pre operative tests, cost of any unused medication or medical device which cannot  be returned and administration cost to be itemised and provided to the patient.

5b10-If a patient cancels due to pregnancy then she will receive no refund as the General Cosmetic patient guide states clearly that extra precautionary measures must be taken to void pregnancy on the basis that no treatment can ever take place on a patient who is pregnant.

5b11-It is the sole decision of the treating surgeon as to whether the procedure takes place ;

If  the procedure is postponed for medical reasons following the treating surgeon receiving new information on the patient past medical history, there will be no rescheduling fee.

5b12-If as is known as a force majeure comes to pass (see definition at clause 1) being an event outside the control of clinic or surgeon, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd will retain the fees paid so far by the patient and will once circumstances allow reschedule the procedure. If that is not possible, patient will be refunded.


6-Known pre existing medical conditions


6a1- Surgeons and medical practitioners will not perform any procedure whether surgical or non-surgical that might have negative effects on the patient’s health. You must tell your doctor about any pre-existing conditions, medications you are taking and previous procedures or surgery undertaken

6a2- Should complications arise because of your pre existing conditions including but not limited to diabetes, hypertension etc, these will be deemed your responsibility. The treating doctor will not be held responsible if any complications arise because of or having been contributed to by any pre existing medical condition which is known to the patient but has not been mentioned or fully mentioned to the treating doctor. Any such behaviour will be deemed concealment to gain treatment.

6b-The patient is to re read clause 3 above in particular clause 3a and 3b.


6c-The patients understands and accepts that if you smoke tobacco you are at increased risk of post operative  complications included but not limited to wound complications, delayed healing and recovery. Patient also accepts that stopping smoking will not place the patient in the same category as a person who does not smoke but it will be of some assistance.


7-Unforeseen complications

7a- All surgical and medical procedures carry some degree of risk. Surgical and medical procedures also have limitations and should revision surgery be required in the opinion of the surgeon, following the initial procedure, the surgery will be given free for the first year after the procedure has been done.


8-Aftercare policy

8a- If, after one year from the date of your surgery, your surgeon feels that future surgery is required to obtain the results anticipated, the original relating surgeon will consider making a contribution to the surgical cost or he might consider not asking for surgical fees , but just hospital and anesthetist fees.

8b-If your surgeon decides that the results of your surgery are within acceptable limits, then future surgery will incur additional fees. Your surgeon will make the ultimate decision.

8c-If during the year following your surgery , you have a complication which is directly related to the surgery, you will not have any fees to pay to have a correction of this complication.

8d –If during the year following your surgery, you have a complication which is not related to the surgeons work, you will have to pay for surgical fees , anesthetist fees and hospital fees.

8e- If a revision procedure is required, this doesn’t cover loss of earnings, patients chaperone costs or family travel/accommodation/food, these costs all need to be covered by the patient.


8f-If  a revision procedure is performed ,the aftercare policy explained in this agreement will not start again, aftercare policy only applies to the original operation date.

8g- Failure to follow the correct post operative advice of your surgeon and changes in lifestyle, illness or the ageing process are not covered by the aftercare policy and in such cases , additional fees will be payable for any future surgery undertaken


9-Privacy policy

9a-The patient agrees to the disclosure of his /her medical records to surgeon, doctor, anesthetist, nurses and other medical staff as deemed by the surgeon.

9b-The patient agrees to the surgeon to make enquiries of the patient ‘s general practitioner when required  in order to obtain information regarding the patient previous medical history or in the event of assisting the post operative care of the patient.

9c-The patient agrees to have pre and post operative photographs taken for medical records such photographs are held by the surgeon who is not able to supply copies of such photographs.


10-Complaints policy

In the event that the patient is unhappy with the service provide, the complaint should be made as soon as possible to MD plastic and reconstructive surgery Ltd

MDPRS  has a comprehensive comments and complaints policy in place

The following is a summary of the procedure, a copy of which is available to all patients within the patient guide

All complaints are treated seriously. There are 2 ways in which a patient can make a complaint. They may verbally address their concerns or complaint, or they may document their complaint or concern in writing. No complaints by emails are accepted


11-Confidentiality and data protection

 In accordance with our Private policy we hold and process certain personal information of the patient and will share it with designated individuals only. If we required your consent to share information we will of course obtain it. We shall not share any information with anyone contacting us on your behalf without referring it to you.[18]

The patient is deemed to have consented to allowing MDPRS to disclose any data including any sensitive information to any government authorities whether they are regulatory or otherwise


Access to medical records

A patient may request to view his/her medical records, a medical practitioner must be present.

A copy of medical records may be requested in writing. A fee of £50 will be charged for copies of medical documentation.


12-Legal Jurisdiction

 The Laws of England and Wales shall govern this contract and services offered by MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd and their courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction


13- These terms and conditions prevail over the contents of any other documents provided by MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ltd where a conflict in the content takes place.


I confirm that I have read and fully understood the terms and conditions as outlined for me and I had the opportunity to ask questions and I am satisfied with the answers given


I accept the terms and conditions as set out herein




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