by Admin67
High-Calorie Foods are a Staple of the Holiday Season.
As the weather gets colder, the need for comfort rises. During the holiday season, the added aspects of comfort include the food. Soups, pasta bakes, meat pies and other comfort foods become more common for supper. The traditional English Christmas dinner usually includes turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and other tasty sides. Not to mention all of the sweet treats and desserts!
You don’t have to avoid your favourite foods during this time of year if you are conscious of the type and amount of items you consume. By being mindful, you have a better chance of maintaining your weight this season. If you have had plastic surgery, you don’t want to ruin your post-op results by not staying accountable during the holidays.
Tips to Maintain Your Weight
Don’t skip meals. It may be tempting to skip a meal to “conserve” calories but in actuality, that does not work. By the time you do eat, you will be starving and make poor decisions. Stick to a normal eating schedule so you do not set yourself up for failure.
Bring a healthy dish. Whether you’re attending Christmas dinner or a holiday party, bring a healthy dish to pass. That way, there is guaranteed to be at least one healthy option. This can help you enjoy the celebrations without feeling guilty.
Avoid alcohol. Regardless of the type, alcohol contains more calories than most people realise. Calories from alcohol will not fill you up and are not beneficial. That doesn’t include all the calories from the juice, soda and other options for mixed drinks. In addition, alcohol lowers your inhibitions and may cause you to gorge yourself on the delicious offerings on the table!
Look before you eat. Whether you’re at Christmas dinner or a holiday gathering, look at the whole spread before you eat. Make good decisions about what you want to fill your plate with, starting with proteins and vegetables. This will help you choose healthier options, as you are eating the less-healthy foods in smaller portions.
Slow Down. When you’re eating, slow down. If you are a quick eater normally, be mindful of this and take it easy. Thoroughly enjoy each bite. Before going up for seconds, take a minute to walk around, relax and digest. Wait a bit to see if you are actually still hungry.
Stick to your routine. The holidays are always a hectic time of year. While you may have to make some changes to compensate, don’t let your routine fall by the wayside. If you usually hit the gym six days a week, aim for four. If you usually walk your dog twice a day, shoot for one slightly longer walk. If your workout usually lasts an hour, make it thirty minutes instead. Any activity is better than none at all!
Overall, It Is Important to Be Mindful.
Staying aware and mindful of your intake and calories, and maintaining your regular routine this holiday season can help to keep the extra weight off. Be sure to set goals that you can actually stick to and achieve while still enjoying the festivities. Don’t deprive yourself and be reasonable with your treats so you can truly take pleasure in the holidays!